Web Designer Job Part Time

We are looking for a part-time web developer who has the following skills:

– graphic/web design using Photoshop
– html/css
– PSD slicing

Optional skills:

– PHP programming
– MySQL database development
– Flash design

Work is on a part time project by project basis. We will let you know when a project has come in and will hire you as a freelancer to do all or some of the work.

Prices and rates for charter sport fishing in Los Suenos Costa Rica

Are you looking for great rates and prices for sport fishing trips in Costa Rica? We recommend www.costaricahideaways.com

They have a great selection of boats to choose from with a professional staff that is knowledgeable of the local spots.

You can find out more about Costa Rica Hideaways from their website: Los Suenos Costa Rica Sport Fishing and Charter Fishing Rates and Prices

They also provide:

Luxury Rental Condos by the beach
Luxury resort accomodations at the Marriott Resort Marina and Hotel
ATV Tours
Jungle Canopy Tours
Helicopter Rides

and much more….

Tom’s Drug Store in downtown Wilmington, NC

Will be closing it’s doors at the end of the month. I’ve been in there once or twice; they were very friendly and helpful.

The owner will be leasing the space and it is not known at this time what will occupy it.

1 N Front St
Wilmington, NC 28401

(910) 762-3391

Link: Article on WWAYTV3

Ryan Curtis 2.0 is done

We have completed the re-design of www.curtis-photo.com with a new look.

The new site includes a Flash gallery on the homepage and an easier navigation system.

Check back often as Ryan adds new galleries all the time.


Impulse gets a new web design!

We have redone our entire site using a tableless format that is XHTML/CSS standards compliant.
It follows the new trendy horizontal design like those seen on www.cssremix.com and www.cssmania.com.
Hope you like it! It is still under construction and will take a while to redo all our pages so if something looks off, please let us know.

website design wilmington

Impulse ranked number one on Google on 9.20.07, right above:


Link: Google Rank

Impulse design displayed on CSSMania.com

The Cape Fear Surfrider Cape Fear Cleanwater Classic made it to another gallery today: CSSMania.com.


This site was also featured on www.screenalicious.com

Visit the contest site

PSD Slicing for Designers

Are you a web designer with little or no knowledge about HTML or CSS? Do you dread pouring over endless rows and rows of code, trying to get your design sliced just right to look good on all the major web browsers? Do you wish someone would just take your Photoshop .psd file and slice it up for you?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, we can help. We are proficient in coding websites using HTML and CSS that are search engine friendly and cross-browser compatible.

Do you already have a website and need some minor updates? We can help with that to.

Find out more about our HTML and CSS code design services.

Ryan Curtis 2.0

We will be giving www.curtis-photo.com an upgrade in the next couple of weeks.

We did the original site design and layout but now we are making some upgrades:

– new layout to allow for more content
– tableless site using only CSS
– homepage rotation Flash image gallery
– thumbnail navigation for the photo galleries
– more manageable News section
– horizontal layout like some of the trendier sites you can find on cssremix.com

Look for the updated site in the next couple of weeks.

Best web designs of Wilmington NC

Been looking around the internet at some of the other web design companies in town and have seen some good designs and some bad ones by various companies.

Please submit your best and worst designs – I will post them to this blog.