Archive for the ‘SEO’ Category

Free Web Page Analyzer

Sunday, October 19th, 2008

Here is a free Web page analyzer to test exactly how fast your page is at various speeds; this tip comes from Martin Preece.

Thank you Martin, it works very nicely.

Does ranking guarantee sales or success?

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

After being in the top 3 on Google for ‘wilmington nc web design’ for almost a year now, I had to ask myself this question. Google ranking is so highly stressed, but conversions is another issue. What happens if/when they get to your site? Do they leave after seeing the home page because they don’t know where to go next? Are they making it to your contact page and then leaving?

In my case, the ranking has definitely helped, but according to my stats, I have people coming to my site everyday, but that does not mean I am getting calls or emails everyday. What’s the reason? I’ll let you know when/if I find out – if you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to leave a comment here.

Google prefers hyphens instead of underscores

Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

Consider using punctuation in your URLs. The URL is much more useful to us than We recommend that you use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) in your URLs.

Alternatives to PPC (Pay Per Click)

Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

Check out

They claim about 150 Million + Searches per month.
Benefits include:
– You Choose Your Keywords (you have to check availability with their tool)
– They cap the limit of keywords that can be bought
– No Bidding
– No PPC
– No Click Fraud
– Quick Inclusion (between 6 to 8 hours)
– World Wide Placement
– and some stats tracking is available.
Best of all is the low cost pricing:
$3 – $4 per Month

Think like a search engine

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

A basic SEO strategy is to Think Like a Search Engine. Select specific keywords for your web pages and then focus on them in a very clear way.

How to…

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008
SEO Tip: Don’t forget to include How To’s in your SEO campaign. many people search for things on the web starting with ‘how to’ or ‘how do i’.
How to design a website?
How to rank number one on Google?
How to program in PHP?
How to code in HTML/CSS?
How to buy a domain name?

SEO Tip: Don’t forget to include How To’s in your SEO campaign. many people search for things on the web starting with ‘how to’ or ‘how do i’.
How to design a website?
How to rank number one on Google?
How to program in PHP?
How to code in HTML/CSS?
How to buy a domain name?

website design wilmington

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

Impulse ranked number one on Google on 9.20.07, right above:

Link: Google Rank

Google site checks

Saturday, September 8th, 2007
I did a site check today by typing the following on Google
This will show you all pages in your site that have been indexed by Google.
I recommend doing this if you have a large site like mine that you change often. I quickly realized that I had some old pages that were indexed that I had forgotten about!
This tool will also help you see what search engine users will see when they find your page – it displays the title of the page and the description that is in the description meta tag. Knowing what users see can help you know what to modify and change. For instance, the search results returned by Google do not show the entire title tag or description so you might want to move certain keywords to the front of those page elements.
This is also a good tool to see what your competitors are up to. : )

I did a site check today by typing the following on Google
This will show you all pages in your site that have been indexed by Google.
I recommend doing this if you have a large site like mine that you change often. I quickly realized that I had some old pages that were indexed that I had forgotten about!
This tool will also help you see what search engine users will see when they find your page – it displays the title of the page and the description that is in the description meta tag. Knowing what users see can help you know what to modify and change. For instance, the search results returned by Google do not show the entire title tag or description so you might want to move certain keywords to the front of those page elements.
This is also a good tool to see what your competitors are up to. : )

Should I cross-link my websites for better SEO?

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

This is a question I come across often as I continually work on different sites for the same compay.

The situation is usually the same: one company has multiple websites that are related and therefore the idea is to link all the sites together to increase the back-links for each site.

Is this such a good idea or not? According to this video, no.

Wilmington NC Web Design Ranking on Yahoo

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

As of 7/15/07 we are number 3 on Yahoo for ‘Wilmington NC Web Design’ right under and right above,,,,, and

Link: Wilmington NC Web Design