Archive for the ‘Web Design’ Category

Photoshop Resources

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

Like many people, I started out using Macromedia Fireworks and eventually took the plunge and migrated to Photoshop. Although the switch was difficult at first, I quickly became accustomed to the differences between the two programs and now rely on Photoshop for about 95% of my design now.

I thought I would share some of the links I frequent on a regular basis looking for new tutorials, ideas, trends, etc. Enjoy! (mainly for ideas)

SEO friendly sub navs made easy – Infinite Menus

Wednesday, November 29th, 2006

I found a very nice tool today (it’s free by the way) that gives you a GUI interface so you can make subnavs.

So for example, a lot of sites have a main nav element called Products. This tool will help you create a subnav so that when you put your mouse over Products, another menu opens up giving you more options.

The tool is free and does not use Flash or Javascript so everything is SEO friendly.

Client deadlines

Sunday, November 26th, 2006

I spoke with a guy at church today who said he got a website done but it has never gone live because he just hasn’t gotten around to writing the copy. In fact, he said it’s been about a year and a half since the site’s been done!

I wanted to post a question: what should be an acceptable deadline to receive copy for a website? 2 weeks, 1 month, etc. What is the norm in the industry?

I’ve always found that this is the biggest slow down to site development – waiting on copy from the client.

Anyone else have this issue? How did you resolve it? Is there an industry standard for dealing with this?

Flash photo gallery in minutes

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

1. Download Simpleviewer –
2. Download Picasa2 –
3. Create a folder on your desktop to hold the gallery.
4. Open Picasa
5. Create a new web album, select the folder that contains your pics, select the Simpleviewer template, select the destination as the folder on your desktop and voila – you’re done.

One of my clients, Ryan Curtis uses this method on his website:

Just click on one of his gallery links to see an example.