Happy Thanksgiving!

Written by Scott on Thursday, November 27th, 2008

I would like to wish all of my clients and everyone else out there a Happy Thanksgiving!

Take some time to be with family and get some rest and fellowship. 

Remember that we only go around this life once. 

Please enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday and take time to reflect on how far you

have come on the journey, so far (and how good God has been to you

along the way.) 

Watch for opportunities to make a difference to others (who may

not have friends or family.) Opportunities abound all around you if you watch for them.

PS. I got some of this from John Alexander over at www.searchengineworkshops.com and modified it.

Here are some ways to give back this holiday season:

1. Next time you go to the grocery store, pick up some extra food for the Salvation Army or in Wilmington we have The Good Shepard Ministry

2. Volunteer to work in a local soup kitchen that feeds the homeless.

3. Be sure to give thanks to God and others who have provided for you.

4. Make amends with someone you aren’t getting along with, whether be a friend, co-worker or family member. As mentioned above, we only have one shot at life, so it’s best to spend it getting along.

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