Mac OS Check Off Software

Written by Scott on Saturday, February 17th, 2007

Since switching to a Mac about 3 weeks ago, I’ve been searching the net for Mac specific software and recording it on this blog.
This week I was looking for a task list manager to help remind me of things I need to do.
Luckily, I found Check Off, a simple Mac designed software app that has the following features:
– Easily accessible from the Mac OS X Menu Bar.
– Allows creation of groups of items and can be sorted by color
– Each item can have its own note for more information.
– Finder-like Labels.
– iPod Synchronization so you can take your tasks on-the-go (iPod must support notes feature).
– Did I mention free? Its free!
I’ve been using it for a week now – so far so good. No crashes or force quits. Only thing is that I have to restart it every time I reboot. Wish it would just stay on. You know it’s on because it puts a little check mark in the top right corner of your Mac.
Link: Check Off

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